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Remnants of Evil by Reily Garrett is #LIVE #OneClick today
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Fear is an illusion banished by courage.

Two months after escaping an underground prison, Abby is determined to redefine her limits by testing the
boundaries defining her existence.
Practicing law fulfills her need for order and consistency, but chaos soon decimates her neat and
structured life. When a psychopathic killer draws a line in the sand, she’s forced to choose between her
need for independence and the security of police protection.
Royden has spent his adult life hunting society’s worst criminal offenders. Assigned to work with a
McAllister wasn’t what he’d envisioned when relocating to Portland, but everything changed after meeting
his partner’s sister. When death comes searching for his new family, each clue leads either to a dead end
or more possibilities.
Join the McAllisters, their better halves, and their dogs in an exciting romantic thriller.

Chapter One
Rotorua, New Zealand

“Tell me again why we’re doing this, Abs.” Royden squinted against the glare reflecting off the turbulent
sea. He liked his adrenaline served fresh and strong as well as the next guy, yet bouncing around inside a
giant plastic ball floating on rough seawater missed the mark.
Nothing could diminish the perpetual grin inspired by Abby’s presence.
“Because we’re both closeted, adventurous daredevils needing a new high, and water walking balls nail it
on the head. Haven’t you ever wondered what a hamster felt like on a spinning wheel? Throw in this
variable wind and you have a recipe few people will ever experience.” Abby winked at the boat’s captain
before sliding through the reinforced entrance of the clear globe. He merely shrugged before nudging the
sphere off the boat’s loading ramp.
When Abby first asked to go zorbing, Royden tried appealing to her wide OCD streak and reinforced the
certainty she’d have no control over the seawater tossing her around. She’d mimed taking off his shrink
hat and promptly made the reservations.
Royden pictured her five minutes in the future, puking her guts out and laughing at the same time. Her
determination to have fun on vacation rivaled her recent attraction to risk-taking activities.
Since her kidnapping, she’d scoured every corner of her mind for weakness and devised a way to conquer
each. The current exercise would remove her positional control as wind and waves tossed them among
the ocean’s white caps.
“And I thought you wanted to see me walk on water.” Royden scanned the coastline better than a hundred
yards away.
The gleaming behemoth of glass and concrete in which they stayed offered all the amenities one could
desire. Each floor of the hotel had a balcony where guests could enjoy spectacular sunsets—and the two
fools challenging fate in gusty winds. Occupants of several rooms leaned against their railings while
sipping a morning drink and observing the nuts attempting to defy nature.
His cop instincts warned of the difference between observing and watching with intent. That twitchy feeling
between his shoulder blades had urged him to travel halfway around the world to relax.
Along the shoreline, beachcombers searched for small treasures, pausing to watch the tourists’ antics
while seagulls plied the air currents and skimmed near the water line using ground effect to reduce energy
expenditure. A small flock huddled yards from a family gathered for a picnic.
Farther back, tall grasses continued the beauty of the idyllic landscape. It also offered an ideal setup for a
A throb in his temple and sour wad in his gut warned of danger approaching. His instincts were sharp but
failed to point toward anything specific. Police training had taught him to notice small nuances in behavior
and environment, magnified by his education as a psychologist. Yet his mind couldn’t narrow down the
looming threat. Animals in the wild survived because they obeyed those instincts instead of rationalizing
Understanding Abby’s relentless thrill-seeking drive engendered a certain amount of anxiety. Despite
repeated attempts to curb the adrenaline junkie persona, he’d failed. As the other half of her soul, he
remained one part exasperated with each tempt of fate and one part excited at watching her spread her
wings. When the dust settled, it would either tear them apart or solidify their souls for eternity.
After the captain nudged her giant orb bounced out onto the water, he turned to Royden and repeated the
The twitchy feeling morphed into a definite itch.
Before attempting to stand, he sat in the few liters of water to get accustomed to the ebb and flow of the
sea. The liquid buffer inside helped him remain upright instead of tumbling as the ball rolled.
Abby tried to stand again. After falling the second time, she sat, pulled her knees to chest, and studied the
situation. The liquid in her ball should’ve turned to steam.
The ocean’s surface glittered like diamonds, deceptive with its invitation to explore the beautiful, if deadly,
secrets below. He wasn’t a fan of playing in the ocean when sensing an unidentifiable threat, yet they’d
traveled halfway around the globe for the chance to unwind.
Construction of the dual layer sphere ensured the slight water intake wouldn’t alter their buoyancy, yet
other dangers existed that he didn’t want Abby to face.
A pod of dolphins cavorting nearby added a thin film of normalcy to the day’s diversion. All in all, he
preferred bright sun and a warm beach to exploring the wonders of staying in an ice hotel. Norway was her
next planned adventure. He intended to show her the aurora borealis on a conventional tour.
“I’ve always wondered what a hamster felt like. Now, I know.” A muffled voice and chuckle didn’t dull her
enthusiasm in trying to stand again. She smiled as her arms went wide and she landed on her butt then to
her side as the ball rotated.
Royden moved to his hands and knees, getting a feel for the forces at work and forming a strategy for
maintaining his stance. When he achieved a semi-upright position, he glanced over to see how Abby
With her arms and legs spread wide, she couldn’t reach the edges, but she stood, swaying with the water’s
movement. It was moments like this with her fears cast aside that her expression revealed the spirit he
His thumbs up received like in kind but altered her balance.
A small gust of wind turned her sphere sideways just as her ball exploded. Crimson flecks sprayed the
clear plastic as it detonated, folding in on itself and slowly smothering its occupant.
He hadn’t heard the first shot, nor the following three that jettisoned through the water. No glint from the
rifle on the shoreline’s low bluff or balcony had given warning.
Her shriek filled his mind. Images of a prior crime scene where a deviant smothered his child with plastic
wrap flashed through his thoughts.
He couldn’t move fast enough.
Not only did the plastic mold to her body, but the weight of it dragged her beneath the water line. A splash
behind him alerted him to the ship’s mate diving in to help.
Precious seconds passed before he could maneuver himself out of the sphere and into the cold saltwater.
He had moments to find, retrieve, and remove her from the death trap.
White foam swells crashed over his head while visions of sharks scenting the blood heading their way filled
his thoughts. Attacks were rare, but bloody swimmers didn’t normally take to the open sea. Not far away,
Australia had the highest rate of fatal and unprovoked shark attacks in the world.
Cold seeping into his bones couldn’t compare to the panic sweeping through his chest. Time slowed and
stretched out each fraction of movement, catalogued for future nightmares.
He waited for the bite of a bullet to end his struggle.

#RemnantsofEvilRelease #ReilyGarrettRelease #RemnantsofEvilReilyGarrett #McAllisterJustice

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