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Unmasked Heart by ➜ Veronica Eden Author is #live #ku #amazon

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They call me a princess.
But I’m nothing like the royalty found in fairy tales. The Noble family aren’t the kind that live in castles.
The “prince” I’m promised to? He’s no Prince Charming.
Cohen took my first kiss and now he expects me to kiss the ground he walks on…as his wife.

I always get what I want. Annabeth Noble broke my heart when we were kids and I can’t get her out of my head.
Now her prissy attitude pisses me off and turns me on in the same breath.
The family wants me to marry her? Fine.
But it’s time for her to learn her place.
I have a plan to prove she’s mine once and for all.
Before I’m through breaking her spirit, she’ll be begging to bow down to me.

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Hosted by Enticing Journey Book Promotions


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