Title: Lies & Devotion (Blood & Iron Warriors: Book 3)
Author: Kat Kenyon

Direct: http://bit.ly/2HrBJ28

You have to be a Warrior to survive. And war isn't just found on the field.

Rayne is broken. After her worst nightmare came true, she has no choice but to try to put the pieces of her life back together. A life that includes Tyler Blackman. Her savior. Her light. The one who helps her sleep at night and the reason she gets up and tries again every morning. But there’s more than one monster in her past, and they’re intent on ripping her and Tyler apart.

Tyler is determined. He isn’t just in love with Rayne, he’s willing to tear down the whole world to stay by her side. Losing her once taught him a lesson… Rayne comes first. Before football. Before family. But she’s not the only one who's demons threaten their life together. He’ll do anything to protect her, even if he has to bleed keep her safe.

They never expected to find their way back to each other. And they never knew they’d have to fight this hard to stay together. In a world full of lies, they have one hope… their devotion.

Notice: Lies & Redemption is for readers over the age of 18.

Be aware that Blood & Iron Warriors will follow this couple through their graduation, as well as their friends. The story includes sexually explicit scenes, adult language, and issues related to abuse, violence, and sexual assault. Please keep this in mind as you purchase for yourself or others.

Cover Designer: Shanoff Designs
Photographer: Shelly Duncan Photography
Models: Chase Mattson and Hannah Reed

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