Title: Dirty Hookup
Series: A Slayers Hockey Series Novel
Author: Mira Lyn Kelly
Genre: Hockey Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2020

One look and I know… this chick hates me.
I should walk away, find some puck bunny to gleefully sit on my lap and tell me what a big, hot, hockey stud I am--totally true, BTW. But there’s just something about this feisty redhead I can’t let go. She’s got an edge to her that’s sexy as hell and a smart mouth that’s been tying me up since the night I met her.

She tells me to forget it, we’re not happening. But this isn’t the kind of woman a guy ever forgets. Especially when the air starts to sizzle and pop every time we get within ten feet of each other. She’s in my head and under my skin, and all I can think about is the way she looked at me that one time. Like she already knew how it could be between us.

I’m not the kind of guy a girl like her takes home… But maybe I want to be.



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Ducking around a corner, I press my back to the wall and suck one shaky breath after another until the spots behind my eyes finally clear, along with any wayward thoughts about a third Slayers hockey player needing a bed in the ER.
I can’t believe it. After all these years.
Quinn O’Brian.
Two feet in front of me. Giving me that same smile. The one that put my belly into free fall the first time I saw it. Left me breathless. And then less than a day later, left me humiliated. Devastated. Working up fantasies about the wrath I’d rain down on him if I ever saw him again.
So much for that badassery. My knees barely held me when I looked up to find those stupid sea-green eyes twinkling back at me like some Disney hero come to life.
Stupid eyes.
Stupid shoulders and muscles-everywhere body.
Stupid sandy blond hair standing up like some foolish girl just had her hands in it for the last hour.
And that introduction.
Blowing out a breath, I shake my head.
He didn’t even recognize me. Though why I ever thought he might is beyond me. Six years later and I’m still reading more into that night than there ever was. More into those soul-deep stares and slow touches. More into those tender words that turned out to be total lies.


“God, I hate you,” she mutters, clear enough for me to hear, but probably not the rest of the table.
“You sure?” I ask, sitting back. “Because it kind of seems like you might like me. Just a little.”
She lets out this half laugh that has me physically aching to hear the real thing. “Geez, O’Brian, didn’t anyone ever warn you you’ll go blind if you keep stroking your ego like that?”
“You could stroke it for me.” I’m truly ashamed of myself. Just not enough to stop.
“Not in a million years.”
“Whoa, bold move throwing down the gauntlet like that,” I bait.
Her eyes snap back to mine. Pissy. Curious. Beautiful. Engaged.
“I mean, considering how guys like me operate and all.”
Cold as stone, she answers, “Explain.”
“We get off on challenges. Can’t ignore them. Everyone knows this. So now I’m wondering if you like the idea of me coming after you, maybe more than you want to admit.”


“Come on, Georgie. Tell me I’m your hero.”
He takes a step closer, the deep green of his eyes roaming over my face. “Why not? I just saved your beer.”
“Because I think your ego’s big enough,” I say, reaching for the bottle, ready to be done with this. Only I’m too caught up in the smug challenge in his eyes, and when my fingers wrap around the bottle, they brush his, causing a tingly shock to run up my arm and squeeze my heart enough to cause the smallest betraying gasp.
His eyes darken and he rasps my name like a plea. “Georgie.
I blink as time touches back on itself, to that night in Mexico. The gravel-rough sound of his voice at my ear. My fingers tangled in his hair.
He’s looking at me with those too-hungry eyes. Giving me the same pickup bullshit he’s probably doled out to every bunny since high school. In a way it’s a relief. Because superficial is straightforward. It’s simple.
And there’s that voice again… It’s tempting.
“Don’t you ever wonder what it would be like to give in for just a moment? To see what this thing between us would feel like if we gave it a chance.”
I take a swallow of the cool beer and shake my head. Hating that I do. I wonder about him all the time...


Hard core romantic, stress baker, and housekeeper non-extraordinaire. Mira Lyn Kelly is the USA TODAY bestselling author of more than a dozen sizzly love stories with over a million readers worldwide. Growing up in the Chicago area, she earned her degree in Fine Arts from Loyola University and met the love of her life while studying abroad in Rome, Italy… only to discover he’d been living right around the corner from her back home. Having spent her twenties working and playing in the Windy City, she’s now settled with her husband in Minnesota, where their four amazing children and two ridiculous dogs provide an excess of action and entertainment.




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