πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ NEW RELEASE πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Take A Chance On Me by Lea Coll is LIVE!

I had no idea when Sadie Cole caught my eye, that she would also steal my heart. My daughter’s new dance teacher with her jet black hair and haunting blue eyes intrigued me. Her tight outfits and bare skin taunted me. Most importantly, she was amazing with my daughter.

But Sadie’s reputation proceeded her... and I couldn’t afford any entanglements that would cost me custody of my daughter.

The more I spent time with her the more I realized the rumors were wrong— the town was wrong. I wanted to be the man she could count on. When what’s best for my daughter and what’s right for Sadie are in direct conflict, I hope I make the right choice.

I left my hometown right after high school to escape a scandal. Returning home, seeing the way they all still looked at me, I realized coming back was a mistake. Until sexy, single dad, Tanner Green glanced my way. 

Those blue eyes saw too much, they looked right through me in search of the truth. 

His kind heart and stacked body tempted me to stay and face the rumors. But I’ve never let anyone get that close—especially a cop, with the sweetest daughter in the world, because my secrets ruined everything and everyone. 

With him by my side things could be different... his love was worth taking the chance.

Giveaway: Go to Lea Coll’s FB page (http://bit.ly/LeaColl) to enter a $25 Amazon gift card!


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