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Excerpt: Lost in You Copyright 2020 Amanda Bailey

We make our way to the dance floor and as the music softly plays, we quickly get carried away by it, swaying together as one. Madison moves like a dream in my arms. As much as she’d claimed to be awkward in her heels and dress, she’s totally not. Her body was made for dancing. She doesn’t just hear the music, she feels it. She moves with it, gets a little lost in it. Every damn thing about her is enticing as hell to me. 

Our bodies are pressed close, maybe a little too close for dancing in public, but I won’t deny her and can’t dismiss the riot of sensation barreling through me. Every inch of her is molded to every inch of me, and she’s driving me half out of my mind. If this dancing is an act, she deserves an Academy Award. The way her body reacts to mine seems very much like the real thing. I can feel her heartbeat fluttering madly against my chest and mine pounds out an identical rhythm right back.

“Madison,” I breathe out, as her head tips back to look at me. “You feel so good in my arms.” My lips skim over her forehead, and I tuck my head down into her hair near her ear. “You’re too perfect, and I don’t know why you decided to do this with me, but I’m glad you did.”

“Do you think they’re buying it?”

Ice-cold realization dumps over my head. “Um. Yeah, I think so.”


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