Title: All In

Author: Bella Matthews

Series: Kings of Kroydon Hills, Book One

Release Date: November 24, 2020

Purchase Links

Amazon: https://amzn.to/31HFMlf

Universal Link: https://books2read.com/allinkokh

Goodreads Link: https://bit.ly/3jt9Maz

Cover Design: Olivia Pro Design





We might be the Kings of Kroydon Hills, but she is football royalty.


Natalie Sinclair came into my world and changed my life.


Her father was the new professional coach in town, and her twin brother played on my team.


This tiny dancer fit into our circle of friends like she was the missing piece.


She may not have thought she wanted a relationship with a football player, but that was before me.


I’m Brady Ryan. Captain and one of the top quarterbacks in the country.

Once I decided she was mine, nothing was going to keep me from her.

Not her twin brother.

Not a jealous ex.

Not even myself.


Author Bio

Bella Matthews is a Jersey girl at heart. She is married to her very own Alpha Male and raising three small ones. You can typically find her running from one sporting event to another. When she is home, she is usually hiding in her home office with the only other female in her house, her rescue dog Tinker Bell by her side. She likes to write swoon-worthy heroes and sassy, smart heroines with a healthy dose of laughter thrown in.


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