Title: Ben
Author: C. M. Marin
Series: The Chaos Chasers #3
Genre: MC Romance
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A biker. A gorgeous, sexy, charming biker. In other words, the kind of guy I swore I wouldn’t even glance at again a long time ago. No, scratch that. Ben is worse than the kind of guy I swore I wouldn’t even glance at again.
He’s everything I don’t want to want. A carefree bad boy with an irritating grin, who thinks he has me all figured out. And… he’s right.
Damn sexy biker.
There’s only one possible explanation for fate to have put him in my path. I’m cursed. I must have been an awful person in a past life, and Ben has been sent to make me pay for my sins. The worst part? I’m too weak to resist him for long. The only thing that keeps me from completely falling in love with the guy is the several thousands of miles that separate us.
But that was before his enemies try to get to me.
Now, all I want is to go to him, and let him hold me. That’s when I realize that I’ve already fallen in love with him.
Damn charming biker.
*Book 3 in the Chaos Chasers MC series
*Dual POV
*Explicit sex scenes
*Ben is not a dark MC romance
Catch up on the series here ↓
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