Title: Unmasked
Author: Shannon Youngblood
Genre: Taboo, Erotic Suspense, Dark Romance 
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Thank The Father
The Father giveth and the Father taketh away.

Thank The Master
The Lord giveth and the Master taketh away.

Thank The Faith
The Faith giveth and the fire taketh away.

In a society where men are superior and women belong at their feet, Master Zander and his slave, Phoenix, must find a way to navigate through the horrors they were born into.

Three menacing tasks are all that separate Zander from his inheritance. Three gruesome tasks and Phoenix might finally be free. The question is can Phoenix complete them and keep her sanity in check? Can Zander play the part without unleashing the monster behind the mask?

Will they rise from the ashes of their present and soar into the future, or will they both be engulfed by the flames of their past?
#NewRelease  #Unmasked #Taboo #Erotic #Romance #BMBB


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