Title: Crazy In Love 
Author: Becky Crittenden
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Crazy Series #1
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Blurb ↓
Mason Brooks is a typical twenty-four-year-old playboy, with one exception: he’s signed his life over to the US Navy. Having enlisted just after high school, he’s been living his best life, roaming the world and seducing women from coast to coast and everywhere in between. But even he can’t resist the lure of a woman who won’t give him the time of day.
Eleanor Tish is looking for more than a romp in the backseat of Mason’s sports car. In fact, she’s tired of everything to do with money or fame. She’s spent her fair share of time in the spotlight and she just wants to relax for a while. A summer romance is hardly on her to do list, but with sexy Mason chasing after her, day in and day out, how can she resist?
Succumbing to each other happens in an instant, but the repercussions of their choices could haunt them both forever.
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