Title: Loving Lucas
Author: Jayne Kingsley
Genre: Contemporary Romance
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When unrequited love gets a makeover, all bets are off.

Miranda Gray has loved Lucas Knight for what seems like forever. Problem is, he barely gives her the time of day. Plus, she’s a long way from the glamourous women constantly parading in and out of his life.

If only she could find a way to make him notice her …

Lucas knows what he wants from life, and it doesn’t include getting tangled up in anything resembling a relationship. Particularly with the boss’s daughter. She’s a forever type of girl; he’s more your ‘please leave before breakfast’ kind of guy.

When they’re forced to work together on a project that’s far too close to his old life for comfort, Miranda starts to see that whilst she might have had a fledgeling love for Lucas, real love is something else entirely.

Sparks are flying but neither are ready to own up to the truth. Can working together bring love back to Lucas’s life? Or will he break Miranda’s heart forever?
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