Release Date: Oct 5

Excerpt: Fight for You

Copyright 2020 Amanda Bailey

The minutes tick by and I’m becoming increasingly anxious waiting for this guy to show up. I’d come right to Zoey’s office in the guidance department after school and parked myself in the chair across from her, the desk between us. Her seat faces the door, and she intermittently glances into the main office, keeping an eye out for Sawyer. Looking down at my phone, I’m surprised to see it’s only 3:25 p.m. Oh. He’s not even late yet, and here I am bitching at him in my head. I lick my lips and lean closer to Zoey as I whisper, “What if he’s a total idiot?”

She scoffs. “Then you’ll report back to the college and let them know there’s a problem. That’s totally not happening, though. We’ve had really good, positive experiences with student teachers from Roxford College.”

I press my lips together. “What if he’s just weird, Zoey?”

“Had, you are working yourself up for nothing. Absolutely nothing.” She looks just over my head in the direction of the door, her eyes widening as she mumbles, “Oh, boy.”

Our head secretary’s tinkling, singsong voice comes to me from the front desk. “Ms. Beckett, Sawyer Rivers is here to see you.”

My eyes lock with Zoey’s, which are still huge, like a character in a comic book. “What?” I hiss. “What’s wrong?” I can’t interpret her expression and begin an internal freak-out, squeezing my eyes tightly shut.

She whispers, “See for yourself. That guy is not who you were expecting.” I open my eyes just as she smiles at whoever is waiting on me and waves at him.


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