WON’T MISS YOU by Lilian Monroe is LIVE! 


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Big, burly, and definitely not my new best friend.
Benji is the current obstacle standing in my way.
Not that I mind.
Who said your brother’s best friend had to be off-limits, anyway?
Rich chick waltzing into town buying up businesses like candy.
I hear the whispers about me.
They’re not wrong. Just not exactly right, either.
Benji doesn’t see it that way, though. He puffs his chest out when I walk in—a very muscular chest, might I add—and lets me know in no uncertain terms that I’m not welcome on his turf.
I’m just here to find my brother, who left without even saying goodbye.
But Sawyer? Nowhere to be seen.


I have no choice but to stay here and wait, and Benji has no choice but to humor me.
My brother’s best friend has a funny definition of humor, though.
Not so much ha-ha as hate you forever.
Pretty soon, Benji’s guard-dog act starts to crumble and I catch a glimpse of the man underneath.
The rugged, strong man who makes my heart thump and my core clench.
The man with a kiss to bring me to my knees.
The man who might just crack my heart wide open...
...but when my brother finally returns, our budding romance could fall apart before it even begins.

Won't Miss You is a stand-alone brother's best friend romance with a guaranteed happy ending and absolutely zero cheating.

Grab books 1 through 3 in the We Shouldn't Series for #99cents for a limited time: https://www.lilianmonroe.com/we-shouldn-t-series


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