DECIDELY WITH LUCK by Stina Lindenblatt is coming January 28!




Masquerade ball rule #1: what happens at the ball doesn’t always stay at the ball.


A chance encounter with a masked stranger at a charity ball led to an incredible kiss and a night of hot sex. The kiss was my goal for that night, a baby step forward after my husband’s death a year ago. The hot sex? Not so much.

You know what else hadn’t been my goal? 

To be knocked up by a man whose identity is a mystery to me. 

So now I’m preparing for my impending motherhood and planning a fundraiser to provide books for foster kids. 

The latter is where hot hockey player Logan Mathews comes in...

The last time I saw Kiera Ashdown was the night of the Jingle Balls masquerade ball. She’d wanted her first time with a man after her husband’s death to be with a stranger. 

After my NHL team trades me to San Francisco, where my daughter and ex-wife live, I’m determined to be a better father and not repeat past mistakes. My hockey career and my daughter come first. 

The last thing I expect to discover is that Kiera is my seven-year-old daughter’s teacher. The last thing I expect to learn is that she’s pregnant with my dead best friend’s child. 

And the last thing I want to admit is that I was the one who made love to Kiera—several times—the night of the ball.

Because if she ever found out that I’d lied to her, I could lose her friendship. I could lose so much more...

Decidedly with Luck is a standalone romance. All the books in the series can be read in any order.


Add to your Goodreads TBR list: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54594861-decidedly-with-luck


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