Title: Misadventures In Mature Dating
Authors: Audrey Lindt & Jacqueline Haigh
Genre: Non-Fiction
Blurb ↓
"Returning to dating in my later years was a strange experience, like visiting a foreign land...when I first joined dating sites, I felt totally unprepared for what was to come. Like many women my age, I had no idea what was really happening"

Are you female, over 50 and single? 
So was Audrey Lindt. 
Her cheating husband was the first to go, then her grown up kids moved out. Now, she was facing the long years of retirement alone. But she was still attractive, young at heart, and longing for adventure. With so many wonderful men on internet dating sites, finding love seemed possible. But she soon discovered that it was a jungle, with dangers at every turn. Audrey's story is an honest, humorous and shocking account that every woman considering online dating should read. If you're mature, and searching for love, look out!
#Dating #Online #Romance #Read #Nonfiction  
You Can Find Audrey Here:  http://bit.ly/FB-Audrey
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