Easy Love by ➜ Author K. Alice Compeau is releasing June 11th!
Cover Designed by ➜ Deranged Doctor Designs
I thought my life would be different. I had plans to settle down, and finally start a family with my husband. But it didn’t turn out that way—not when he up and left me for another woman.
Now it feels like I’m stuck in limbo, unable to move forward. With nothing but a broken heart and my new inability to trust, the idea of dating again is frightening.
When the new substitute teacher and my new co-worker starts to show an interest in me, I’m more than reluctant. How am I supposed to love again when my heart has been broken to pieces?
But Grant’s persistence in pursuing me weakens my resolve. I want to be able to love again. I want to at least have another chance at happiness.
Grant might just be that chance. He might be the one… if I’m willing to let go of the past.
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Hosted by Enticing Journey Book Promotions


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