Title: Taste For Wine
Author: Francine Beaton
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Taste For Love #2
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The first kiss, like the first glass of wine, is the best!

Businessman Santiago Figueras arrives in Edinburgh to reclaim his missing wife. But why should Olivia Holmes trust him now, when he left her stranded in a foreign country three years ago? All she wants to do is to protect the son he did not know he had. Santiago makes her a shrewd offer she cannot refuse – and she follows him to Argentina to rebuild their marriage.

Olivia is still addicted to the taste of his kisses, but can she give him her heart again? Years of hurt and mistrust are not easily erased and threaten to tear them apart once more.

Can Santiago and Olivia's love grow deep roots among the vineyards of Mendoza, or will they harvest only a lifetime of regrets?

This stand-alone novella is the second book in the Taste For Love Series – stories of men and women who love life and each other deeply.
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