Title: Hulk: Thorny Devils MC #2
Author: MLJ Quigg
Genre: MC Romance 
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“As soon as I saw you, it was like a light shining down from the heavens. As I got to know you, I realized that light went soul deep, and I fell for you so hard.”

After an accident and my girlfriend leaving, I didn’t think I’d find anyone to share my life with. Sure, I had my brother and the club, and I never thought I wanted anything more. That was until Claire walked into my life. She had a harrowing story behind her, and it forced my protective instincts forward, and they raged at full force. I simply had to get past the walls she’d built so tightly around her.

Some say amnesia is a new start, which is true. But what happens when you wake up one day and everything’s a blank. Let me tell you, it’s not fun but more like downright scary.

That was my life now. Sure, I’d made a family and new memories with Monique and the triplets, but when Monique reunited with Derrick, he came with a whole new family. Hulk was the Sergeant at Arms for the club and the man who would steal my heart. Unbeknownst to me, the man who had hurt me previously was closing in, and he wanted to finish what he’d started.

Will Hulk be able to save Claire from a madman, or will he be too late to have his angel with him forever? 
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