Title: Taming Professor Alphahole
Author: Loni Ree
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: Aug 30th
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Blurb ↓
"When you tame the King Alphahole, you want to brag.”

When Tori offers a fellow student a ride to school, she has no idea her good deed will bring the biggest Alphahole ever into her life. Now Reid Maxwell is going to find out he picked the wrong girl to boss around. She’s going to show him.
Professor Reid Maxwell hasn't let any woman get close enough to tame him. The Economics Professor has a reputation as a love 'em and leave 'em Alphahole with no room in his life for entanglements. Raising his younger sister takes all his time, and he avoids any hint of commitment.

He takes one look at Tori Barton and realizes she's the one for him, but she isn't going to make things easy for this over-the-top jerk.

Smartass meets Alphahole and sparks fly.
#comingsoon #Romance #Professor #Training #Read #CoverReveal


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