Title: Halloween Temptation
Author: Kelli Callahan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Midnight Reads #1
Goodreads → http://bit.ly/31SSavW
Blurb ↓
It's hard to resist temptation...

My costume was just for fun.
I never expected to become the center of attention.
I certainly didn't expect to meet Wyatt.
Older, dominant, and hot-as-sin

I could already tell I was in trouble...

His touch made me quiver.
His lips set my soul on fire.
I swore I would never be that kind of girl.
But Wyatt took temptation to a whole new level.

The only problem was that he wanted to claim more than my innocence. He wanted to claim my heart...


If you like hot, steamy, over-the-top romance with insta-love dripping off the pages, then the Midnight Reads series is for you! Suspend your disbelief and leave your panties at the door. You won't need either of them tonight.

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