Title: A Golden Heart (A Blood War Novel Book 2)
Author: Alia Johnson
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Find Alia on #Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/authoralia
Blurb ↓
The fire inside her will scorch the land...
With deep scars that never healed, Princess Vashti decides to travel to Antiqua to visit her sister. She didn't expect to be captured and thrown into a box only to be sold at an auction. Using her deadly powers to escape, Vashti must choose whether to journey to the forbidden volcano or further into the Forest to stay hidden. 
In Baklan she will fight...
A vast demon Horde waits for the Trials of Baklan to begin the Hunt. Vashti may not have wanted to join the competition, but to escape and save her sister, she will have to survive, while trying not to fall for the menacing Horde King that watches her every move.
Baklan has many secrets that hunger to be revealed.
The ones Vashti hides will bring war to its gates. 
This is a full-length fantasy romance containing a bride hunt and a possessive Horde King that has a HEA. Each book in the series can be read as a standalone.
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