#CoverReveal → Starbright by Julie Shelton is releasing February 25th! #PreOrder this new #youngadult #fantasy novel today!
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-- BLURB --
If they fail, their world will end…

Banished from her kingdom by the evil Queen Morag, Princess Gwyneth is forced to undertake an urgent and perilous quest.
She must rescue Starbright, a unicorn buried deep inside The Crystal Mountain. His horn has the only power on the world of Mhla’Ned that can neutralize the poisoned water inside the Well of Souls. so she can recover the powerful Ring of Rhwn. She needs it to prevent Morag from destroying the entire world of Mhla’Ned, and enslaving everyone who lived there.
Traveling through an increasingly blighted landscape, Gwyneth must face and conquer all the fears she has ever had, plus a few she’d never imagined—scorching heat, freezing cold, an endless maze, and how to fly. Along the way, she rescues a fish from a dying lake, a hive of bees from a fire, and a falcon from a deadly eagle attack. As thanks for saving their lives, they swear lifelong allegiance and service to her.
In the final, cataclysmic showdown at the Well of Souls, between Queen Morag and Gwyneth, deep in the Nwrhyn Forest, the Forest of the Spiders, the Princess discovers that even the smallest of creatures can make a big difference. And that things are rarely what they seem.

Website: www.dominantdeliciousness.com
Amazon author page: amzn.to/IEAADL
Facebook Fan Page: on.fb.me/19nGsh2
Facebook Profile: https://bit.ly/2q9VSkU
Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/1EWkPRa
Twitter: @JulieCShelton
Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2Pu26Kk
Bookbub: https://bit.ly/2CT3H5T

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