Shopping for a CEO’s Baby
Shopping for a Billionaire #16
Author: Julia
Genre: Romantic
Release Date:
October 27, 2020
It’s Andrew
and Amanda’s turn… in duplicate
We’re having twins.
Which means my swimmers are stronger than my brother’s. I win.
Yeah, yeah, everyone can say it’s not a competition, but it is.
And we all know it.
Two babies at once means double the fun, and double the misery for my
poor wife, Amanda. While I’m growing a Fortune 500 company, she’s
growing two entire human beings out of nothing but orange cheese snacks
and ice cream.
Do you have any idea how hard I’ve worked during this pregnancy,
tracking down orange smoothies for her?
Not to mention being forced to Facetime into a childbirth class on
perineal massage, rescuing Chuckles the cat from being shaved bald by
my two-year-old niece, and fighting with a wife who has named the twins
Lefty and Righty.
By the time we hit the ninth month, my entire world revolves around
pleasing — and protecting — her.
Even if it means humiliating myself in the name of love.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute, now.
Hold on.
Is she the
one who’s winning?
Andrew and Amanda
are BACK in the newest New York Times bestselling Shopping series book
as they “beat” Declan and Shannon in the baby competition, but at what
cost? As their future awaits them in the form of twins, Amanda and
Andrew face ghosts from the past with wit, humor, and most of all —
plenty of love.
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I look at my phone. Andrew.
I'll be home for
dinner. What do you want?
For the last few weeks, we've ordered takeout every single night,
because I never know what my stomach will or won’t be able to handle. I
close my eyes and ask myself what I want, and reply:
Grilled salmon
with paprika. Cantaloupe. Sautรฉed carrots in honey and cumin.
He texts back: I
see you’re sticking with the orange theme.
I send an emoji of someone an orange sticking out its tongue.
Will do,
he replies. I'll
have Consuela make it and bring it home after the gym.
Then I get a heart.
Consuela owns a private restaurant in the Seaport District, the kind
that you can't know about unless you know someone who knows someone.
It's our special place, and since morning sickness has ravaged me,
Consuela's been gracious enough to meet my weirdo dietary needs.
She also takes it as a challenge. My palate has expanded considerably
as a result of her driving mission to find new orange foods.
I reply with: You
mean you'll have Gina contact Consuela to do it all, and have Gerald
pick it up and bring it to the house.
Same thing,
he texts back.
“I love how you smile when you think about Andrew,” Mom says, making me
look up from my phone.
“You two are so in love.”
My smile broadens. “We are.”
She looks at my belly. “Those babies are very, very fortunate.”
“Billionaire's kids,” I mutter.
“No. You could be penniless and they'd be so, so blessed. You and
Andrew are going to be wonderful parents.”
“How do you know?”
Tenderness floods her face as she reaches for me. I stand and bend
before her, her hand on my shoulder, eyes shining with something close
to tears.
“Because you have such a good heart. You always did. You're smart and
sweet and you care about people and want to help them. And Andrew loves
you deeply. I may not understand his ambition, but I do see that he's a
loving man.”
My wife is orange.
She is caked with orange dust, on her fingers, in her cuticles, and her
lips are the color of a traffic cone. She's in the kitchen, standing in
front of the blender, drinking something–
You guessed it.
she moans as she drinks straight from the blender itself. “Isss
izz soooooo goooo.”
“What are you drinking?”
A swallow later and she says, “Cheeto-cini.” When my sister-in-law,
Shannon, was pregnant with my niece, Amanda created a special orange
smoothie for her out of Cheetos, marshmallow cream, and orange sherbet.
My wife has modified it to remove the sherbet and replace it with
coocnut milk, which does nothing to change the fact that it's vile to
the core.
It's just slightly less gross now.
“Another one?”
“It's the only thing that stays down.”
“And the doctor really says this is okay?” I say, staying far away from
the blender, knowing how territorial she is about her food. She's
pregnant and still stuck deep in morning sickness.
For the last few weeks, all she's eaten is this.
Cheeto smoothie.
And nothing else.
“It's full-fat coconut milk. One big leaf of kale.” She makes a gagging
sound. “Apple juice. One banana. And Cheetos. I freeze the fruit and it
tastes like a milkshake.”
“Our babies are made up of that.”
At least she added the kale, banana, and apple juice this time.
“I choke down a prenatal vitamin, too, Andrew.” Her eyes tear up and
her chin quivers.
“It's fine. Good. I'm so glad you can eat something. Really. Not judging
you. I know you are doing everything possible for our babies.” I rub
the spot between her shoulder blades, hoping I can calm her down before
a full-blown meltdown kicks in.
“I am! Everything,” she says before gobbling down more of that candy
corn-colored monstrosity. “I've lost two pounds. The doctor said the
placenta looks fine and the babies are growing within range, but this
morning sickness is horrible. If I drink water, I puke! If I drink
this–” she points at the blender, “–I don't.”
“Then by all means, drink that.”
I hold back a shudder. My trainer, Vince, would have an unexpected
coronary if he saw Cheetos in a Vitamix.
“I–I know I'm not doing this the way another wife would. A better wife.
A wife who is stronger and who...” Her lower lip begins to quiver.
Here we go again.
I open my eyes, the words running through my head before I'm fully
Twenty-three weeks, three days.
That's my first thought.
The second is: I need to hump my husband.
Some impulse centers itself between my legs, turning me into a rocking
nerve ending, my entire body so horny, it's like some gene in me got
flipped and my entire purpose in life is to orgasm in a continuous
“Help,” I whisper to Andrew as I slide my bare thigh against his
hair-covered one, his body gloriously nude, which only ratchets up my
sex-crazed fever.
“What's wrong?”
“I need you to let me have sex with you again.”
One eye narrows, the other holding steady as I reach for him, finding
him halfway to where I need him.
“Excuse me?”
“Can I please have sex with you again? I know we just did it–” I look
at the clock, squinting to read the numbers, “–seven hours ago, but I–”
The kiss answers me.
“You don't have to ask.”
“Of course I do! Consent is very important.”
His erection twitches in my hand, jumping slightly.
“There's my consent.”
This isn't slow sex. It's fast and hard, the kisses hot, my legs parted
and my body centered over him in seconds. The grinding need to have him
touch the deep ache inside and unclench it is too furious, too intense
to ignore.
I'm bent over him, hips rolling up, belly hardening with each curl as I
ride, ride, ride to
climax. My thighs pull him in deeper, knees pressing against his tight
ass, my hands on his chest, his head bobbing up to suck one breast at
the perfect moment of ecstasy, making me moan into eternity.
And then–snap.
I'm done.
I climb off and kiss his cheek.
“Thank you!”
Vince grabs my hand before I can touch the forties I'm about to do
curls with.
“What the hell is that?” He points to my orange cuticles.
“Cheeto stains.”
“You're eating Cheetos?” He sounds like I just told him I cooked my
father's liver and ate it on a buttered croissant. Not sure whether
he'd be more outraged at the patricide or the carb count.
“Not me. My wife.”
“Yeah, yeah. All my clients blame their partner. You're on a strict
program, Andrew. No chemicals, no grains, no–”
“Flavor,” Declan mutters under his breath as Gerald smirks. We're
working out at this shithole gym Vince likes, only this time is
Because I bought the place.
Declan's not the only McCormick who can go out on his own and buy a
company. No one, other than Amanda, knows I did this.
And don't ask me why I did it.
New York Times and
USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic
comedy with an edge. From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars,
Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she
writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping
for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after
dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire).
She lives in New England with her husband and three children in a
household where the toilet seat is never, ever, down

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