๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐๐„๐– release → A Date for the Masquerade by Heidi McLaughlin and LP Dover is ๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐„ #99Pennies

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3m0LExF
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3kbH3bH
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3o8eJZS
Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/31lmEcG

Cover Design → MadHat Studios
Add to Goodreads → https://bit.ly/3dF3Iuf

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New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Heidi McLaughlin and L.P. Dover come together for a sexy new series that delivers romance for every season!

When everyone is hidden behind a mask, anything can happen.
Party planner Ensley Anderson is making a name for herself as Charlotte’s number one event coordinator, her specialty being masquerade balls. Now she’s been given the honor of orchestrating the annual KISS 95.1 Halloween party.
Little does she know, Owen Jameson is behind her hiring. At the last ball she hosted he met a ravishing beauty and spent a glorious night tangled in silky sheets with her. While her mask stayed on, nothing else did. Now, he’s determined to find his mysterious lover.
Ensley thought she could put the one night she got swept up in the spellbinding intrigue of her own event behind her.... until he walked in. She would know those eyes anywhere. Both want more than cloaked love, but how do they bring reality into their alluringly enigmatic fantasy?
Hide who you are, and discover what you want.

๐Ÿ‘€๐€๐‹๐’๐Ž ๐€๐•๐€๐ˆ๐‹๐€๐๐‹๐„
A Date for Midnight
A Date with an Admirer
A Date for Good Luck
A Date for the Hunt
A Date for the Derby
A Date to Play Fore
A Date with a Foodie
A Date for the Fair
A Date for the Regatta
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2RD7sCG
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3bdF81Q
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3enc6i9
Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3a9BHHV

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#octoberrelease #adateforthemasquerade

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