INFAMOUS by Ivy Wild is coming January 30!


Add to your Goodreads TBR list: http://bit.ly/39hQfH7


My name is Sophie Strong and I sold my soul to a record company

For fame

For fans

For fortune

For a life I thought I wanted.

I sold out in the worst possible way

Leaving everything I loved behind

Turning myself into someone I wasn’t

Just to watch the world turn itself on me.

Now the whole world hates me and I can’t escape them.

I can’t escape this.

And no matter how fast I run

Connor Driscoll always seems to find me.

He’s the man I left behind and the one I don’t deserve.

He says he loves me but he shouldn’t.

Because once you become famous,

all that’s left to do is become



This book has been completely re-edited, revamped, and with a brand new cover!


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