Title: Professor Perfect
Author: Alana Jade
Genre: Sweet Professor/Student Romance
Release Date: January 8, 2021


One night in Vegas.
That’s all it took.
One glance stole my breath. One touch lit me on fire.
We live on opposite sides of the country, so one night of fun should be okay, right?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, and now it’s time to move on.
But our chemistry was unforgettable.
And erasing Jackson from my mind is impossible.
But then my Vegas fling suddenly flashes before my eyes.
Not from a memory, but because my new university professor is none other than Jackson West.
Our connection is still as strong as the night we met. The air changes whenever we’re near. So there’s only one of two things I can do…
Ignore my new professor, keep it strictly professional.
Or, find out if we can keep this a secret.
I don’t know which path to take.
But I also don’t know if I can stay away…

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“Shit,” I squeal, crashing into the chest of an older man.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you,” he says, grabbing hold of my upper arms.
“My fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
Slowly, I lift my head to see his face, finding myself staring at him through my eyelashes. He’s probably well over six feet tall, towering over my tiny frame.
Quickly stepping back, I apologize again as I take in this extremely handsome man. Silver flecks run through his beard and hair, and he’s wearing a well-fitted dress shirt which shows off his rather nice muscles.
He’s got to be at least forty, Mia. Calm down.
I can’t think of anything to say. So, I say the first thing that pops into my head. “You haven’t seen a tall, blonde girl around the casino by any chance?”
Great description, Mia. That narrows it down to probably a quarter of the occupants.
“No, sorry, miss. I haven’t. The name’s Jackson.” He smirks as he extends his hand.
He’s probably getting some form of perverted joy out of this.
“Mia,” I reply, offering him my hand to shake.
The moment our hands connect, warmth spreads up my arm, sending shivers all over my body.
“Mia,” he repeats, shaking my hand for much longer than is required. “Are you staying here?”
I nod.
Lifting my head, I lean back into the couch. Jackson shuffles even closer to me as his hand moves to the other side of my face, deepening our kiss.
Holy hell. I’ve wanted this to happen again so badly. It’s only a relatively short amount of time since our last kiss, but it feels like a lifetime ago now.
Although this time, we are in the real world. Not a vacation in Vegas.
He’s my professor.
I’m his damn student.
I push him away suddenly, my fingers lightly touching my lips. Both of us are breathing heavily.
Jackson hovers over me, unsure of what to make of my sudden change of mind.
He begins to lean back in, but I stop him.
“Didn’t we just agree that we can’t do this. That we never happened.” My hand waves between the two of us.
“Yes, you’re right. It can't.”
"But it did... and I want more."
Are my eyes are deceiving me?
I blink several times before pinching myself to make sure this isn’t some weird dream. It’s not.
This is reality.
Jackson, my one-night stand, is standing before my class.
Please don’t tell me he’s our new professor, my brain repeats over and over.
“Hello, everyone, I’m Professor West. But you can call me Jackson.” He smiles.
The smile that got me more than hot in Las Vegas is now standing there telling me that he’s my new professor.
Gulping my water down much too quickly, I begin to cough and splutter.
Good one, Mia, just what you needed to do. Draw attention to yourself!
Alana Jade is a sweet romance author from Sydney, Australia.
She’s a wife, mother to 6 children and fur-mum to one spoilt pug called Harper.
Alana’s loved writing sweet love stories for many years and always tries to give her characters the happy ever after they deserve.
When she’s not madly tapping on her computer or plotting a new story in her journal, you’ll find her curled up on the couch with Harper watching Friends, or reading a good book on her kindle.
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