Title: Rowdy
Series: Black Ops MMA #2
Author: D.M. Davis
Genre: Contemporary Sports Romance
Release Date: January 7, 2021


D.M. Davis’ ROWDY is a messy, meant-for-me, sexy, contemporary romance and Book Two in the Black Ops MMA series.
You think this is a love story. You’re wrong. It’s a massacre.
A massacre of who I think I am,
where I come from,
and who I thought I’d have a future with.
One wouldn't have me.
The other couldn't.
Both stole my heart.
You think you know me. You have no idea.
He thinks I'm a lion.
I'm really a mouse,
afraid of the demons nipping at my heels.
No one can touch me.
No one except him.
I don't fear his touch.
I crave it.
Darkness is my enemy,
yet his shadow doesn't scare me.
He's the only dark I'm not afraid of.
When their pasts threaten to topple their future, can the lion and her beast prevail, or will the darkness overtake them?
For maximum enjoyment, it is suggested the Black Ops MMA Series be read in order to fully experience the world and the characters that inhabit it.
Black Ops MMA Series:
NO MERCY  |  ROWDY  |  CAPTAIN (coming Mar 2021)

Free in Kindle Unlimited
I set off from Texas to California, seeking my MMA dreams. I caught a glimpse of that dream, hitched a ride on the tail of a shooting star. Only it wasn’t a star at all. It was an angel.
And she wasn’t mine for the keeping.
She belongs to the devil. 
And he had no intentions of letting her go. 
Like devils do, he took what was his—what was always his—with no apologies. 
And here I am wanting his angel, regretting she’s not mine while at the same time lusting over the Devil’s sister.
She’s innocence to my sin.
Light to my dark.
Breath to my void.
One glance and my need to hit something calms, and my heart starts to gallop toward her, aiming for its own angel who looks at me like I could be her savior instead of a crush or a fuck.
I can’t.
I’m no angel whisperer.
I’m a fucked-up kid from Texas with my own darkness that will only sully her virginal soul and body.
But still, the aching muscles in my chest and the one in my pants think they’ve found their homing beacon… their salvation.
“Only a kiss,” I growl. I shouldn’t be doing this. She’s not ready for me. My need for her is already too big to contain in my head. In my pants, my cock is planning ways to drill through my jeans to get to her.
“To start.” She leans in, so fucking eager and sweet. So, so sweet.
Fuck it.
I aim for a center-of-her-lips, closed mouth, gentle and slow kiss.
What I get is her tongue sweeping out to lick my lower lip the second our mouths connect.
All sanity leaves the building.
She wraps around me, grinding her hips as if she knows my cock is seeking its way to her.
A gasp from her, a parting of our lips, and our tongues are tangoing like they didn’t just meet.
Her mouth is heaven, if heaven is a fiery pit of temptation and lust.
“Damn, Kitten.” Am I dreaming? I lean back to be sure it’s her I’m kissing.
I’m met with a whimper and her hands sinking into my hair, drawing me back to her mouth.
“Take what you need,” I breathe against her lips what might be my final words as she sucks my tongue and reduces the air in my lungs by half.
Blood rushes to feed the cocky sucker in my pants, nodding like he has any idea what he’s getting himself into.
Cocky, have you met Blue Balls?
I think you’re about to become good friends.
A frenemy situation.
Her hunger unleashed, she attacks my body like a starving carnivore that’s been stuck on a deserted island and just found fresh water and red meat. All I can do is hold on, take what she’s giving, devour her taste as she eats at my lips and feeds me her tongue over and over, deliciously hard, deep, and wanton.
She’s killing me.
Straight out murder by kissing.
Who knew kissing was lethal?
What a way to go.
If I thought he was kissing me before, I was wrong. So very wrong.
He was going easy on me.
This is a kiss of anger—though he said he wasn’t mad—and passion.
So much passion.
He nibbles and sucks my lips until I open fully, then his tongue plunders, diving in, taking mine hostage.
He fucks my mouth with his, wrenching me closer, devouring me with abandon, without care for my crazy.
And, oh my God, I’m done for.
Wring me out and hang me up to dry.
This man can kiss.
My toes curl.
My fingers lose feeling digging into his shoulders and hair.
I want to climb him, build a treehouse, and never leave.
“You’ve unleashed the beast, Kitten. The one that’s going to taste you and make you come until you beg me to stop.” I suck her bottom lip. “And you will beg.”
She shivers.
I lick at her lips until she lets me in.
Her fire, burning so damn hot, its flames lash at my balls. Grinding her hips, she opens her mouth, lapping at my tongue, inviting me in, and in, and in.
Rowdy moves like lightning and captures my face in his hands. “Don’t.” His lips brush mine. “Don’t freak out on me, Kitten.”
He means crazy. Don’t go crazy on him.
Too late.
I came this way.
There are no returns.
No exchanges.
Final sale.
All items must go.
#1 No Mercy
Free in Kindle Unlimited
D.M. Davis is a Contemporary and New Adult Romance Author.
She is a Texas native, wife, and mother. Her background is Project Management, technical writing, and application development. D.M. has been a lifelong reader, and wrote poetry in her early life, but has found her true passion in writing about love and the intricate relationships between men and women.
She writes of broken hearts and second chances, of dreamers looking for more than they have and daring to reach for it.
D.M. believes it is never too late to make a change in your own life, to become the person you always wanted to be, but were afraid you were not worth the effort. You are worth it. Take a chance on you. You never know what’s possible if you don’t try. Believe in yourself as you believe in others, and see what life has to offer.
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